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Custom parameters

Sometimes when creating custom commands you might want to use a custom parameter as well.

By default these are the parameters already supported:

  • ParameterBool
  • ParameterEnum
  • ParameterFloat
  • ParameterGameObject
  • ParameterInt
  • ParameterScene
  • ParameterString

With these you can do pretty much everything, let's say we want to change the layer of a GameObject. We could easily just use the ParameterString however this would also allow for non-existing layers to be parsed.

So let's create our own ParameterLayer instead.

using ExtensionTools.Console.Commands.Parameters;
public class ParameterLayer : Parameter
public override bool TryParse(string parameter, out object parsedObject)
int Layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(parameter.Replace("\"",""));
parsedObject = Layer;

if (Layer > -1) //Check if it exists, Parsing successful
return true;
return false;//Parsing not successful

Make sure you remove the quotes from strings which might have white space!

As you can see not much is needed to create a custom Parameter. However we can also add a ConsoleSuggestionWindow which popups and gives us a list of all the layers to choose from!

Custom ConsoleSuggestionWindow

Adding a SuggestionWindow for the Layers is simply done by creating a new class and inheriting from ConsoleSuggestionWindow.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using ExtensionTools.Console.Suggestions;
public class LayerConsoleSuggestionWindow : ConsoleSuggestionWindow
List<string> m_Suggestions = new List<string>();
public override void InitializeWindow()
//Add all layers
for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++) //unity supports 31 layers
var layerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(i);
if (layerName.Length > 0) //Get length of the layername

protected override List<string> GetSuggestions(string currentString)
return m_Suggestions;

Now we can go back and add this suggestion window to the constructor of our ParameterLayer.

public class ParameterLayer : Parameter
public ParameterLayer() : base(new LayerConsoleSuggestionWindow())